September 19, 2012

Etude House PROOF 10 Eye Primer

hi everyone..

today's story is about this awesome eyeshadow primer i've been use recently.. Proof 10 Eye Primer by Etude..

put it all over your eyes (upper and lower part as well)..

extreme smokey look (my fave)..
this picture taken at 11 am..

11 hours-ish later!!

you see, the colors were still the same.. just a teeny tiny crease coz of my oily lid.. well, i have a very oily face and eyelid, but if you have normal skin, i think you shadows will last forever!!

see the little crease on the lid? well this happened about 11 hours later.. so i think it's forgivable.. ^_^

so far, this is my GO TO eyeshadow primer.. wear it all the time.. for natural look, dark smokey look.. it's amazing.. made your eyeshadow lasts very long time and made the color go out more vibrant..

what's not to love?!



  1. bagus banget smokey-nya ka >.<
    sayang kelopak mataku pendek banget.. deket banget sama alis
    jadi kalo bikin smokey eyes kayak gitu ga bakal muat huhu

    1. tengkiuu mel!! kalo deket alis, mungkin bisa dimodif alis nya.. haha.. dulu gw jg gt, trus di fix alisnya biat kelopaknya lbh gedean.. ;)

  2. aku jg suka eye primer ini ^^ hehe

  3. eyeshadow birunya pake apa ya?
    Warnanya bagus keluar bgt! apa karena bantuan eyeprimer-nya juga?

    1. harus nya itu dark purple.. entah mengapa di foto jadi biru tua.. hehe.. iya eye primernya juga ngaruh bgt bikin warnanya kinclong!! LOL..

  4. aa~ keren smokey look nya!!! love love love!!

    just followed u.. <3

    ..come and see my blog.. :D

