October 04, 2012

NATURE REPUBLIC Store Opening @ MDS Lippo Karawaci

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Annyeong Haseyoooo... (sorry if it spelled wrong!! my bad) ^_^.. 
it means greetings in Korean..

why i'm in this all Korean mood today? well maybe because there's another products from Korea arrived safely to Jakarta.. yeayyy!! as you know their makeup / skin care are very booming lately and so far, Korean products never fails me..

last Friday, Nature Republic (Korean Brand) opened their first store at Matahari Dept. Store, Lippo Karawaci.. and they kindly invited me to come and check 'em out.. here's all the pictures.. beware, there's A LOTTT!!!

the store has a simple concept and as you can see all the bloggers are busy with swatches and "ICIP-ICIP".. haha!



this aloe vera soothing gel is one of their famous product.. for IDR 49K only.. WOW!
each of us got one for our goody bag.. yeayyy!!

 the gel texture are so smooth and has cooling effect.. besides for moisturizing your body, you can use this product for sunburn (pain!!) as well..
ohhh.. and the fun part is you can use this FROM HEAD TO TOE.. yeahh.. all the way!! ^_^
ohh the yummy texture is amazing.. but pls don't eat it, MARSHA!!

COOL and SMOOTH plus ABSORBED instantly.. perfect for me who hated sticky body lotion..

ok, so interesting thing about those two from the left is, they are sun protection products with SPF 50 in SPRAY form!!! oh my god!! Koreans, you keep impressing me all over.. i tried 'em and they have shimmering effect as well.. so bye bye sunburn, welcome fabulous!! ^_^

those two practically the same, the difference is the blue one has cooling effect, that's it.. the function, the shimmering thingy are all the same..

 and don't forget the MILK SUN! also with SPF 50 and look at the texture..
easy absorbed as well..

this product caught my eye because it's name AQUA and it's for COMBINATION SKIN.. perfect for me..

Hand Cream
and again.. no sticky feeling, quick absorbed plus very soft fragrance.. ^_^

 their Polynesia range..

and another one...
BAMBOO and ALOE range..


who can't wait for BB cream swatches?? ME ME MEEE!!!

isn't that interesting, snail bb cream?? LOL!

the swatches..
as you can see, the botanical is more pinkish while the snail one is more yellow-ish..

 another BB cream in the pot.. with SPF 27.. the texture is more creamy than the first two.. has more coverage as well..

the swatches..
the consistency is thicker and more like liquid foundation then a what BB creams usually had..

 last but not least the unique BB balm.. something new for me..
and my pictures all blurred, so i grab some from Mei (Pygmalion Land)..


i love the cute puff.. the texture is powder (not creamy..)..
 the color range are nice and natural, effective for daily use..

the single eye shadows cost IDR 49K as well.. woohoo!!
on the bottom is eye makeup remover, there are two variants.. the blue one for mascara and the green one for waterproofed eye makeup..

another eyeshadows and mascaras..

from lipbalm, lip concealer, etc..



makeup brushes, eyelash curler, sponges, ETC!!

gosh!! so many products.. i tried to get 'em all on my blog but i can't.. ^_^ intrigued already? just visit their store.. opening soon all over Jakarta.. so NO WORRIES!!
their price range are from IDR24K up to IDR300K-ish.. the makeups are quiet affordable.. 

 Strike a Pose, girls!!

snap shot by Marsha-BlushOff.. when i took pics for bb cream swatches LOL!

so, thanks to Nature Republic for inviting me over.. can't wait for another meet ups!!

what's not to love?!?!



  1. racun bgt ini.. baca post ce hanny, ce mei, sm marsha bkin aku makin pengen k counternya. huaaaaa >.<

    1. iya, barangnya seru2!! tertarik sama apanya??? ^_^

  2. masih ada atau engga yah barangnya?
    storenya masih ada gak?

  3. masi ada kok.. di matahari lippo karawaci..

  4. Mbak.. kalau aku nitip sama mbak boleh gk?? aku tinggal di bali :(
