February 21, 2013

Sariayu Trend Warna 2013 Palette Swatches!!!

helloww girls..

so, last Sunday i was invited to Beauty Class by Sariayu with about 3500 participants gathered to learn about beauty inside and out.. amazing right?!

so here i got this lovely goody bag.. filled with awesome products..

 envy yet?!

got this palette

with two kinds of eyeshadows from Trend Warna 2013
 "Lasem" and "Karimunjawa"..
there're also 4 colors of lipsticks and 2 colors of blushes, 
two way cake powder and applicators..

i also got 1 lipstick "Karimunjawa" variant from the press conference after the beauty class.. (i'll swatch it on the next post)

so, without further a due, let's move along with the SWATCHES..


Top Three - "Karimunjawa" - Emerald Green, Yellow and Purple..
Below Three - "Lasem" -  Chocolate Red, Fushcia and Light Pink..


what i always love about Sariayu eyeshadows is that they're so pigmented and affordable..
look at those gorgeous color.. made me happy..

 with flash


with reddish nuances.. and i LOVE the HOT PINK.. you can use the lighter shade for highlighting..

 with flash


look at this 4 beautiful colors.. they are suitable for everyday use..
i mean isn't this palette a genius or what..

no flash

it came with pretty shades of reds..

with flash

all the lipsticks here has matte finish but with doesn't feel dry at all.. the moisturizing effect are suitable for my awfully dry lips.. ^_^

you can go from nude to bold in just a sec..


no flash

for those who doesn't like wayy to pinkish color around your cheeks, this light pink could go very natural on you, given you "barely there but there" rosy, glowy and healthy cheeks..
or you can even go with the awesome coral shade that i adore..

 with flash

see?? event the blushes are very very pigmented..
i think this palette are worth to buy.. LOVE LOVE LOVE..

well this palette are PROs on me.. however there're few cons.. like the texture of the eyeshadow and blushes are too powdery, so you need to be careful with the fall out.. and really really pat your brushes before applying them..

for the lipstick, i just love it.. no comment on that.. LOL!

i have a very sensitive lips.. so, before now, i tend to buy expensive lipsticks from higher end brand and was afraid to try local products.. i mean, even some of the higher end brands didn't suited me well.. the only lip product that could stay nicely on my lips is Lip Ice Sheer Color.. (TRUTH BE TOLD!)..

Thankfully, i got this product, so i could actually tried 'em on.. i refused to buy it before because i thought if expensive ones couldn't bear me, what about the cheap ones?! i really-really felt so bad for underestimating this lipsticks before.. i've tried Caring Colour lipsticks and they suited me as well perfectly.. so, guys, please do not underestimate Local Brand.. they're affordable (me = HYPE!!!) and maybe a solution for your trouble.. ^_^

OK.. that's it for the palette swatches.. i'd do some makeup later on and post it to my blog.. and the lipstick swatches also comin' up next.. bye bye for now!!



  1. Replies
    1. tpi ga dapet agenda ama lipstick ._.

    2. oyaa?? duduk dimana? rame banget cewe2 disana ya, ampr 3500 orang.. lipstick ama agendanya ak dapet pas press con nya.. ^_^

  2. warnanya cetar halilintar ya. pigmented abis

    1. emberrr.. keren banget ya makk.. hidup brand lokal INDONESIAA!!!

  3. Hi sist,

    Aku baru nulis soal Pesisir Sentrajawa. I re-upload two of your photos here karna aku gak nemu gambar produk yang satu itu di situs Sariayu. But I credit you there and link back to your blog, I hope you don't mind :)

    Ini tulisanku,

    1. hi juga.. it's okayy.. love your post as well.. salam kenal yaa.. ^_^

  4. ih mau sis..
    kalo beli berapa sis? Selain itu ada seri yg lainnya ga sis?

  5. wow keren banget mauuu ihh... itu harganya berapa sis

  6. ak liat di toko martha tilaar nya sepertinya belum ada deh.. ak pernah liat di giant gading serpong tp yg trend warna 2010.. spt nya belum available palette ini.. you could buy them individually though, or try out the 2010 instead.. they are good as well.. :)

  7. aku punya mak,,, ok banget dah,, really love it... hahay
