February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Dinner Makeup

hi babess..

today i wanna share to you a very romantic pinkish look inspired by Valentine's Day today.. so, if  you already have a dinner plan with hubby, lover or even hang out with friends, you can check out my makeup and maybe you'd be inspired.. ^_^

 the finished eye look..

first drill as always started with cleaned and moisturized face.. i'm gonna skip the "base" step since maybe you already familiar with all BB cream then Powder stuff.. and i skipped the eye makeup step as well, since i accidentally delete the pictures.. KILL ME NOW!!

i'm gonna go with the contouring step.. i am almost 6 mos preggo now.. so as all my friends sez, i have a very chubby cheeks right now.. :'(  so, to at least make it a tiny bit slimmer, me of course need help ( A LOT! )

here i'm using Aloha V-Line Slim Maker by Etude House..
it has contour and highlighter at the same package so it's compact and simple..
from the shape, you'd probably knew that i've use it wayy to much especially lately!!! ^_^

 first i applied the contour (darker color) to the hollow of my cheeks.. 
you can find it by made a "fishy face" then make a line from your ear forward. don't do it backward because then you'd get harsh edges on the front of your face.. we want stronger color on the ear then glides smoothly towards the front..

 then i applied the highlighter on the upper part of my cheeks ( the cheek bones ).. and also the forehead..

don't forget the bridge of your nose and on the chin..
you also could add a little bit of highlighter on the lip's cupid's bow to give more glamorous effect..

next is blush time!! trust me, you'd need this one as much as you need a lipstick.. otherwise you'd look PALE.. and we want rosy cheek, not a dead cheek..
i use maybelline's.. and this is VERY PIGMENTED.. so becareful when applied it.. make sure you use it gently..

fresh rosy cheek all the way..

the lipstick.. of course HOT PINK is a wise choice.. ^_^
i use lip liner from revlon colorstay in Rose to make my lipstick stays longer and put an all nighter.. yipeee..

you see that yummy pink!! GET OUT, NICKY MINAJ...

o yeahh, almost forgot.. i use Kay Collection eye lashes for this makeup..
please don't mind my individual lashes there, just put them together so i won't forget next time.. LOL..


hope you like my post.. and have a lovely Valentine's Day.. ^_^ SPREAD THE LOVE...
