February 18, 2016

Hanaka Baby Foot Callus Removal Review

Hanaka Baby Foot

Hi dolls.

As you can see from the photo background, i've been meaning to post this review on December. But then i FORGOT! what the heck?! Got no excuse for that. Purely my bad. Sorry.

Anyway, i bought this Hanaka foot mask from Indonesian online shop. I forgot the name cause my friend actually did all the transactions (thanks, love). I envy her smooth baby feet. Compare to mine, jeez! Mine is more like a Mars surface. Dried, cracked and all. Typical me. Fyi this post will be full of that nasty-dried-ness. So if you would, please bare with me. The end will be beautiful, though! ^^

How to use Hanaka Baby Foot


Left Foot - Before

Left Foot - Before

Right Foot - Before

Right Foot - Before

Yes, you are right! They were nasty as hell. What can i do. I barely have time to do anything let alone pampering myself. Like all busy moms out there, GIVE ME A BREAK! Hahh, that's a relief. Ok next i'm gonna show you how i do it.

Hanaka Baby Foot

Here's what's inside the box. Two socks-shaped plastics filled with gel-like liquid. You have to cut the upper part and put your feet inside. Make sure to seal the "ankles" area properly. I think it has to be sealed shut, so the liquid won't pour everywhere as you move.

Hanaka Baby Foot

When i cut the top part for the first time, i was alarmed by the smell. Gosh. It was like pure alcohol fumes. The mix between alcohol and perfumes gave me headache and nauseous. I immediately put my feet in and seal it shut. Fiuh! Then my feet feel all sting-y. Especially in areas with bruises, oh hell. Painful!

Me using Hanaka Baby Foot

Put your feet inside, seal shut the ankles and chilled. I waited for one and a half hours. I planned for 3 full hours though, but my son awake from his nap, started to asked questions and tried to take off my "socks". Sigh! Besides i think my feet cannot bear it anymore. It became itchy and painful. I think the formula is too harsh for my skin type. I have sensitive-dried skin. So if you have the same issue, i suggest you be very careful while using Hanaka Baby Foot.

Then soaked in warm water for 10-15 minutes

After soaked

You can see how harsh the formula is. It actually pelled off my nail color. The amount of alcohol in it are hideous. It's like putting your feet into nail color remover liquid. Still feel bit sting-y on my skin, but much better after soaked in warm water.

Hanaka Baby Foot Usage - Day 3

Tada! Well it looked disgusting i know. But this is the peeling process. Day one and two almost nothing happened, i got pessimistic already. But on the third day, wow. My feet shed like crazy. Scary but very exciting. You might be think i am weird, but wait until you try it by yourself.

Hanaka Baby Foot Usage - Day 3

I zoomed out so you can take a peek on the baby skin underneath all the nasty sheds. Haha!
This time you will be tempted to peel it off with your naughty hands, but the suggestion sez that you have to let it shed by itself. So hard to do, trust me!

Hanaka Baby Foot Usage - End Result
[ Top : left foot, Bottom : right foot ]

See?! Beautiful right. With proper care, this condition would lasted forever. But when you are too lazy like me, it will last like two weeks before it goes horrible again. Definitely gonna re-purchase, but i have to consider the smell and the sting. Please be aware if you have sensitive skin.

Ok, that's it for now. Thanks for reading guys. Hope you'd find it useful. Be a smart shoppers okayy. See ya!

So here's Before

And this is After!

Hanaka Baby Foot Price : IDR 145.000-175.000



  1. wowwwwww. i should try this one someday, but i'm afraid it will sting my dry-sensitive skin >,<


    1. The formula is harsh indeed. But the result is amazing. Hiks!

  2. Harus beli! Kakiku juga pecah2 dan kaya gak keurus. Padahal tiap malam udah aku pakein vaseline. T^T


    1. Iya tuh patut dicoba si. Ak jg gregetan, ak lotion ga ngaruh. ^^

  3. Kak mohon maaf sebelumnya..
    Tertarik liat review dan resultnya 😊
    Bisa tlg kirim nama tempat kakak beli?

  4. hay, cari Hanaka Baby Foot 1000% original? kalian bisa langsung hubungin aku
    Line : puput.pf
    WA : 088802419757
    Harga? only 135.000

  5. Like seriously it can turn our stink feet to be like that? I definitely have to buy it, you know I am ashamed of my feet huhuhuhu

    thanks for the info

  6. hi, do you think it is safe for pregnant woman? as you said the alcohol is hideous..

    1. I can not say it is safe or not, but i lf i were pregnant, i think i chose not to use it.. the smell itself would made me nausea.. ^^ hope my answer helps!

  7. wah, lengkap amat nih reviewnya.. wajib beli nih..buat si kecil yang dirumah :D

  8. Hi there. I had a tough time reading what you've written because your English is pretty horrendous. That's all I've to say. Thanks.

  9. Okay, so it might be weird to say, but this was fun. It definitely works!! I put it on for an hour per the instructions and after a few days the peeling started as promised. I'm about a week in and the major peeling is done (just have a bit more on top of the foot). The bottom of my feet look and feel better. It's exactly what I was hoping for, to get my feet sandal ready :) I would recommend wearing socks during the major peeling portions unless you want to leave dead skin everywhere.

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